- The Critical Thinking Series, Part 1: What is Critical Thinking? | Augusta Moore
- The Critical Thinking Series, Part 2: What is Argument Mapping? | Augusta Moore
- The Critical Thinking Series, Part 3: Empathy & Critical Thinking | Augusta Moore
- What’s Happened to Critical Thinking in our Culture? | The Editor
How To Disagree And Still Be Friends: A workshop with Harvard Fellow Nate Otey, ThinkerAnalytix
Want to help students discuss controversial issues? In this interactive workshop, Harvard Philosophy Fellow Nate Otey shows you how to use a simple, fun assignment called The Disagreement Project to help students learn to listen respectfully and defend their views with evidence — to cultivate both empathy and logical rigor. Research from top universities shows that argument mapping significantly improves students’ critical thinking skills and may even decrease partisan polarization.
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