What does education look like in 2021?
Is it students sitting silently at desks? Worksheets and textbooks? Bell ringers and guided notes?
These are symbols of traditional learning we have all experienced or witnessed in our time in and out of the classroom. When our educational system began we relied on a PUSH-based system with the main goal being competency through memorization and compliance in an industrial system. This type of learning arguably suited the needs of the time and soon became the fallacy of “We’ve always done it this way”.
What is a PUSH-based system of learning?
This is often a traditional educational setting. The teacher is the expert and pushes the knowledge out to students. Teachers decide what must be taught, how it will be taught, and how students will consume it. Students are passive in this system, expected to be enraptured in the voice and thought of the educator, silently taking notes, and absorbing information like a sponge. While this system has been the foundation of American education for the past 50 years, we are just participating in it because “it’s the way it’s always been done.”
In a traditional classroom, the learning objectives on the…