April 17, 2023 Attitude usually plays an essential role in success. In my experience, the most successful students tend to see themselves as students and feel a sense of pride
March 15, 2023 Of all the claims that schools make, perhaps the most ubiquitous is the assertion that “our students learn to take risks.” Risk-taking is meant to suggest that
March 2, 2023 Here’s a riddle: If there are no stupid questions, why are so many of them asked in schools? Most teachers, especially on the first day of class,
February 6, 2023 In my experience, independent schools live in the shadow that falls, as Eliot put it, “between the idea and the reality . . . between the conception
January 5, 2023 Like most students over the past 100 or so years, I learned to write essays by rote repetition of the lifeless five-paragraph formula: introduction leading to a
December 7, 2022 Many years ago, when I was a second-year teacher and dorm parent, I stood outside my dormitory, enjoying the quiet and deciding which way to walk. The
October 27, 2022 “[T]he percentages of teachers who agreed with positive statements about their profession were higher among teachers who believed their opinions were considered in school decisions and lower
September 22, 2022 Although independent schools enjoy the autonomy to shape their own curricula, policies, and practices and to govern themselves free from federal and state oversight, that autonomy is
August 5, 2022 A note from the editor: Most of our readers know that NAIS is searching for a new President. We would like the search to be a more
June 21, 2022 “We are greater than and greater for, the sum of us.” — Heather McGhee, The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper