November 29, 2023
Grace is not a word that comes up in school mission statements. However, a consideration of grace (with reference to human behavior) could be a panacea for our times, especially at this time of giving thanks. Award-winning journalist and author Julia Baird found that there was a need for people “to find meaning and dignity in connection” and to build “on our shared humanity, being kinder, bigger, better, more forgiving with each other.” In her new book ‘Bright Shining,’ the author believes that grace is the way forward, as it is crucial to developing and practicing empathy. She also equates grace with being strong; “Grace isn’t a form of capitulation or complacency isn’t about weakness or politeness. It requires grit and strength and somehow can change everything” (Baird, J. 2023).

Reflecting on how we could apply the transformative potential of grace in schools raises intriguing questions. What could a teacher practice conducted with grace look like? How can grace support teachers dealing with a toxic school…