How to Get Started with K-12 Entrepreneurship Education | Stephen Carter | 4 Min Read

January 22, 2024

Meaningful entrepreneurship education is not about churning out student entrepreneurs, but rather empowering students with the tools they need to think like entrepreneurs. This means helping students develop resilience in a day and age when durable, human skills are becoming more and more essential. It means self-awareness, collaboration, creative problem solving, and emotional intelligence.  

Perhaps chief among these is a bias for action. One of the core differentiators between people who think like entrepreneurs and those who don’t is willingness to take action. Whether we call it paralysis of analysis or the fear of failure, not taking action is the cause for many missed opportunities. 

It is worth asking whether or not we, as educators, are biased for action. Are we ready to develop programming that instills the entrepreneurial mindset in our students? Are we ready for the work of thinking outside the box to engage students in hands-on learning through innovative approaches? These were questions I had to ask myself years ago when I was asked to help students facilitate our fledgling business of a rolling coffee cart. 

Little did I know that the rolling coffee cart would turn into a fully developed program overseen…

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Stephen Carter

Stephen Carter is the Director of Entrepreneurship and Sustainability at Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy where he has taught for 18 years. His most recent book, Teaching the Entrepreneurial Mindset, chronicles the ten-year journey of developing the entrepreneurship and sustainability program and his own experience in learning to think like an entrepreneur. He is the founder of Seed Tree Group ( where he helps K-12 schools build impactful entrepreneurship programming. He can be reached at [email protected].