This blog post is republished from the Digital Learning Collaborative blog – February 11, 2021.
“Make schools more human by using technology” seems like either A) an oxymoron, or B) an example of the old saying that when all you’ve got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. In other words, of course, the Digital Learning Collaborative would think that the way to make schools “more human” is by using more tech.
But as I was reading an article with that title, originally published in December in the New York Times, two thoughts kept going through my head. One was that the column was raising more problems than solutions. The second was that we see solutions to the problems raised, being applied by hybrid schools—especially those that have added digital learning to improve the student experience in non-digital ways.
“Make Schools More Human: The pandemic showed us that education was broken. It also showed us how to fix it” opens with a fairly standard—and accurate—critique of much pandemic-induced remote learning.
“There is little doubt that going to school is, on average, better for students [than remote learning]. They are frequently tuning out of…