Starr Sackstein event | 1 Min Read

Starr Sackstein started her teaching career at Far Rockaway High School in the early 2000s, eager to make a difference. Quickly learning to connect with students, she was able to recognize the most important part of teaching: building relationships. Fostering relationships with students and peers to encourage community growth and a deeper understanding of personal contribution through reflection, she has continued to elevate her students by putting them at the center of the learning.

A National Board Certified teacher, Ms. Sackstein has written many books and articles, including: Teaching Students to Self-Assess: How Do I Help Students Grow as Learners?; Hacking Assessment: 10 Ways to Go Gradeless in a Traditional Grades School; Peer Feedback in the Classroom: Empower Students to be the Experts with the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD); and Assessing with Respect: Everyday Practices that Meet Students’ Social and Emotional Needs (ASCD March 2021). Sackstein contributed to compilation works such as Ungrading: Why Rating Students Undermines Learning (and What to…

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Tara Quigley

Tara Quigley began teaching in 1991 and has been at Princeton Day School for 25 years. She currently teaches sixth-grade Humanities and is the Middle School Technology Coordinator. Having begun her career as a middle school science teacher, Tara has always been interested in incorporating inquiry, questioning, and exploration into her classroom. She has also taught early childhood science, fourth grade, and fifth and sixth-grade Humanities at Princeton Day School.