The Overlooked Leaders: Why Teachers Deserve the Same Investment as Business Executives | Jessica Cavallaro | 6 Min Read

July 11, 2024

In the corporate world, leadership development is a top priority. Businesses invest heavily in training programs, executive coaching, and professional development opportunities to cultivate strong, visionary leaders who can inspire teams, drive innovation, and foster high-performing organizational cultures. There are countless books, conferences, and resources dedicated to the art of leadership, exploring topics such as building psychological safety, embracing diverse perspectives, promoting a growth mindset, and fostering a spirit of experimentation — all hallmarks of innovative and successful teams. Yet, when it comes to the education sector, we often overlook the critical leadership roles that teachers play in shaping the minds and futures of our youth. While business leaders are tasked with guiding teams and fostering growth within their organizations, teachers shoulder an even greater responsibility — they are entrusted with cultivating the next generation of thinkers, problem-solvers, and leaders. The stark contrast in how we perceive and support leadership development for business professionals versus educators is perplexing, given the profound impact that effective teacher leadership can have on student success and societal progress.

Shared Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

At their core, business leaders and teachers share many of the same fundamental roles and responsibilities. Both are tasked with creating environments that foster growth, nurture potential, and inspire those under their guidance to reach new heights. Just like business leaders, teachers must possess strong communication skills, emotional intelligence, and the ability to motivate and inspire their “teams” — in this case, their classrooms of students. They must create cultures of trust, psychological safety, and inclusivity, where diverse perspectives are valued, and mistakes are viewed as opportunities for learning and growth. Teachers must continuously adapt their teaching methods, experiment with new approaches, and embrace a growth mindset — much like business leaders who must stay agile and responsive to market changes and emerging trends.

Fostering Curiosity, Creativity, and Innovation

The ability to think creatively, solve complex problems, and embrace innovation is essential for success — in both business and life. These capabilities are the currency that will allow individuals and organizations to adapt and thrive amidst constant change and disruption. And who better to instill these crucial skills than teachers, who have the unique privilege of shaping young minds during their most formative and malleable years?

Effective teacher leadership plays an indispensable role in cultivating curious, innovative, and adaptable learners who will go on to become the problem-solvers, changemakers, and boundary-pushers of tomorrow. Through their own actions and behaviors in the classroom, teachers can be powerful models that demonstrate the mindsets and practices underpinning creativity and innovation.

Importantly, teachers who are effective leadership models don’t just preach innovative behaviors, but live them out through their daily actions. When students directly experience and witness their teachers’ openness to new ideas, penchant for continual improvement, and passion for tackling complex problems with creative solutions, it becomes ingrained in their own developing mindsets and habits.

Effective teacher leaders lean into ambiguity, are open to unconventional thinking from students, and embrace learners’ questions as opportunities to co-investigate rather than just opportunities to convey information. Their classrooms become innovation incubators where iterations, pilot efforts and smart risk-taking are the norm, not the exception. In cultivating these types of active learning environments, students build resilience, grit and comfort with navigating uncertainty — skill sets that will be indispensable in their future professional and personal lives. Just as importantly, they organically develop their abilities to analyze problems through multiple lenses, think divergently, and prototype innovative solutions through an ethos of experimentation.

By intentionally modeling and teaching the behaviors at the heart of innovation and creativity, teachers with strong leadership capabilities shape the mindsets and character strengths of their students in ways that will open doors of opportunity. Their classrooms become not just centers for academic learning, but forge the leaders, innovators and problem-solvers who will propel our businesses, communities and society forward through their abilities to create, adapt and thrive amidst change.

Redefining the Purpose of Education

At its core, investing in teacher leadership development requires a fundamental reexamination of our educational system’s underlying purpose. Are we still operating under an industrial model of standardizing learners as content consumers? Or are we ready to evolve towards an entrepreneurial, future-focused model where teachers are empowered as learning architects — designers of environments optimized for unlocking every student’s creative confidence and passion for asking “What if?”

If we embrace the latter vision, then we must make a profound commitment to providing our teachers with the training, resources, and autonomy to lead like entrepreneurs and innovators themselves. This could mean partnering with businesses and leadership experts to design tailored development tracks that merge the best of pedagogy with cutting-edge strategies for fostering cultures of innovation. It will mean investigating successful ways of working and learning outside of the education sector to adopt methods and strategies that are successful in business. This also requires a return to humanity to a system that treats its primary stakeholders as data points. Perhaps most critically, it necessitates deeply listening to the lived experiences of teachers themselves to understand how we can best meet their needs as leaders.

Investing in Teacher Leadership Development

The profound impact that exceptional teacher leadership can have on student outcomes and societal progress is undeniable. Yet, we have fallen short in providing educators with the comprehensive leadership development and support systems offered to business professionals. To truly unlock the transformative potential within our classrooms, we must prioritize investing in teacher leadership development through a paradigm shift in how we approach educator training and growth.

Rather than viewing teachers primarily as content deliverers, we need to reframe our perspective to recognize them as leaders in their domain—visionaries capable of cultivating vibrant cultures of curiosity, critical thinking, and innovation. Just as corporations invest in equipping their executives with skills to inspire teams and drive organizational change, we must invest in equipping our teachers with the mindsets and capabilities to lead paradigm shifts in learning. This requires a multi-pronged approach that infuses leadership principles into teacher development at every stage—from pre-service training to ongoing professional learning. High-quality programs that impart skills like emotional intelligence, Agile mindset mentorship, fostering psychological safety, and promoting innovative practices need to become the norm rather than the exception.

When teachers are trained in Agile ways of working, they gain proficiency in practices like user story mapping, iterative prototyping, and evidence-based pivots based on customer (student) feedback. Their classrooms can become living experiments in learner-driven progress. Students, in turn, gain firsthand experience with human-centered design principles, collaborative problem-solving, and the ability to nimbly adapt to change — skill sets that will be invaluable assets as future entrepreneurs, leaders and global citizens. By embedding agility into teacher leadership development, we equip educators to impart the adaptability and innovation mindset today’s volatility demands.

Agile promotes flat, decentralized leadership structures that distribute authority and encourage autonomy, traits that can position teachers as empowered learning architects. Practices like self-organizing teams, servant leadership, and continuous delivery of value closely align to student-centered pedagogies. As teachers implement Agile in their classrooms, they model the entrepreneurial mindsets and working modes that 21st century learners will need to thrive. Students gain more than just academic competencies—they develop foundational skills for modern work and life like creative problem-solving, stakeholder management, and comfort with navigating ambiguity and complexity. Infusing teacher leadership development with agile thus creates a powerful feedback loop benefiting both educators and learners.

Our educators stand at the frontline of developing generations of young minds who will be tasked with solving humanity’s most complex challenges. By viewing them as the indispensable leaders they are, and investing wholeheartedly in their abilities to create transformative learning experiences, we can empower teachers to inspire the creators, innovators and problem-untanglers our world urgently needs.

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Jessica Cavallaro

As the co-founder of The Agile Mind and Chief Academic Officer of a pioneering online high school, Jessica Cavallaro is a key player in the educational revolution, infusing K-12 learning with Agile methodologies. Her 15-year tenure in education has been marked by a dedication to crafting meaningful educational experiences that drive classroom innovation and foster inquisitiveness. Jessica is dedicated to creating systems that enhance student autonomy, ensuring that every learner's voice is heard and valued. Beyond her educational leadership, Jessica is an esteemed keynote speaker, spreading her vision for transformative education and the critical role of flexibility in learning.

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