12 Classic Agile Principles Translated for Educators | Jessica Cavallaro | 11 Min Read

November 23, 2022

Bringing Agile to education means developing and driving your course with intention. Lessons are not copied from Internet sources or designed on the morning of class. A level of flow must be achieved within the learning objectives that build knowledge and skills acquisition throughout a unit, a semester, and/or the year. Being intentional and mindful of the skills you are trying to develop becomes a daily task. You must be able to zoom in and out over the length of the course to ensure that learning is meaningful and deep. The lessons are didactic and build on each other, so students understand the importance of what they are doing.

Let’s see how the classic business principles of Agile apply to educators:

  1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through the early and continuous delivery of valuable software.

In education, the highest priority is the student. The student must be learning and acquiring skills on a continuous level. That means building new skills through scaffolding, expanding content beyond words in a textbook, and applying it to the current world, constantly assessing and reflecting. Through reflective practices, students recognize that their skills and knowledge bases…

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Jessica Cavallaro

As the co-founder of The Agile Mind and Chief Academic Officer of a pioneering online high school, Jessica Cavallaro is a key player in the educational revolution, infusing K-12 learning with Agile methodologies. Her 15-year tenure in education has been marked by a dedication to crafting meaningful educational experiences that drive classroom innovation and foster inquisitiveness. Jessica is dedicated to creating systems that enhance student autonomy, ensuring that every learner's voice is heard and valued. Beyond her educational leadership, Jessica is an esteemed keynote speaker, spreading her vision for transformative education and the critical role of flexibility in learning.