In this episode of the Coconut Thinking podcast, I speak with Jane Bryant, former CEO of Artswork, the U.K.’s national youth arts development agency, formerly chaired by Ken Robinson. Now a consultant, Jane works in the cultural sector, aiming to work with clients from arts, creative and cultural organizations, the education sector, funders, and local authorities. Much of her work focuses on increasing access, especially for children and young people. In this episode, we discuss:
- How the Arts can help us develop so much that can be transferred to other parts of our lives;
- How reducing education to assessment and sidelining the affective does a great disservice to us as individuals and a society;
- How the Arts and creative practice can be centralized in schools.
I take the phrase “liberating learning” from Santiago Rincón-Gallardo and I don’t think there could be a better use of the phrase than when considering the connection between the Arts and creativity in schools.
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