One day last week, I had breakfast while reading the latest Substack post by Undercover Mother (UM). For those who are not familiar with the group, here is their “About”
Registration includes access to all of the below sessions either live or later on-demand. Recall reading great literature, experiencing characters that seem to jump off the pages. Imagine Intrepid Ed
October 19, 2021 My most recent memory of a traditional onsite education conference was Spring 2019. It was similar to so many of the conferences I had attended over the
In 2000, Peter Senge, of the MIT Sloan School of Management, published his fourth book, Schools That Learn. Early in the book, Senge says the following about learning communities: The
Dear Intrepid Ed News reader, As you read the title of this announcement, you might be wondering what responsive leadership is and how we define “the truth.” Both are essential
The Head of School in this story is a composite character based on the author’s work with several school Heads. While the circumstances may sound familiar, the characters are not
Articles: Institutional Disruption & Mission: Part I – The Fragility of School Missions | Ray Ravaglia What if we used Impact Portfolios as evidence of our potential? | Ben Freud Stranger
Student Feedback: Why is the quality and quantity of good feedback the gateway to great student learning? (Based on Using Feedback to Improve Learning) Articles: The Fundamentals of Feedback: Trust
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Articles: Liberating Assessment from Grading: Theory and Research, Part I | Jared Colley Liberating Assessment from Grading: Practice, Part II | Jared Colley Assessment and Grading Flourish in the Classroom