A few questions all of us who work in educational institutions must ask ourselves: What kind of adults do we want our students to become? How do we ensure that
January 18, 2022 In the field of education, we think too narrowly about feedback. We think it is the comments we leave on student work. We ensure that the comments
October 22, 2021 Should I let my students read on a device? Given recent concerns over the cognitive load of screen time, lower cognitive performance of excessive screen time, the
Sharath Jeevan is the author of Intrinsic: A Manifesto to Reignite Our Inner Drive and the founder of Intrinsic Labs. Listen to Tim Logan’s interview on the Future Learning Design
According to Greek mythology, Sisyphus was forced to ceaselessly roll a big stone up a hill. If we, English teachers, get feedback wrong, grading student essays can feel like a
By the time most students enter high school, they have already developed a fixed mindset about who they are as readers and writers. They will describe themselves as bad writers,
March 31, 2021 Late last year, another shot was fired in the perennial war on the role of the classics in the high school English curriculum. According to Megan Cox