How Agile Classrooms Change the Way We Communicate | Jessica Cavallaro | 5 Min Read

April 12, 2023

Agile classrooms differ from traditional classrooms by focusing on the ownership of learning. In an Agile classroom, students take responsibility for their learning by being given the opportunity to manage their time, work in teams, and apply new knowledge to solve problems they find interesting. This shift is accomplished through small increments that transform a traditional classroom. As a result, the development of AI-proof skills and critical thinking are scaffolded. 

One of the immediate benefits of adopting agile practices is improving communication in the classroom. The Agile framework was created to open lines of communication and make work more efficient for adults. When brought into classrooms, Agile changes the ways students interact with each other and teachers communicate with students. The flow of information is no longer from teacher to student but swirls around the classroom with each individual adding something important. Teachers get opportunities for authentic conversations and collaboration with students, and students learn independence as well as other vital AI-proof skills. 

Provide Opportunities for Personalized Learning

A traditional unit in the classroom may start with an essential or driving question. This sets the path of learning for each student and lets them know what…

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Jessica Cavallaro

As the co-founder of The Agile Mind and Chief Academic Officer of a pioneering online high school, Jessica Cavallaro is a key player in the educational revolution, infusing K-12 learning with Agile methodologies. Her 15-year tenure in education has been marked by a dedication to crafting meaningful educational experiences that drive classroom innovation and foster inquisitiveness. Jessica is dedicated to creating systems that enhance student autonomy, ensuring that every learner's voice is heard and valued. Beyond her educational leadership, Jessica is an esteemed keynote speaker, spreading her vision for transformative education and the critical role of flexibility in learning.