April 17, 2023 Attitude usually plays an essential role in success. In my experience, the most successful students tend to see themselves as students and feel a sense of pride
November 29, 2022 This week is a really special episode where we get to hear from some incredible students and teachers from around the world with one thing in common!
August 22, 2022 Dr. Jayne-Louise Collins is Co-director and lead designer and researcher at EdPartnerships International. Her interests include organisational and system learning through a regenerative and ecological paradigm of change.
June 28. 2022 Time is money. Time is luxury or luxury is time. As babies, time is our own; we dictate the rules: We decide when we want to sleep,
October 12, 2021 Throughout the summer, I answered this question from educators all over the world. While I do not have a definitive answer, there are some qualities that distinguish