July 18, 2023
I covered the disastrous impact that eugenic thinking had on high school design in my previous post. So, I was interested to see its continuing impact in the highest echelons of academia in regards to the quite famous “Marshmallow Test” and how a team more recently had proved the eugenic-style conclusions to be quite wrong.
The original Marshmallow Test and its wrong conclusions
In the early 1970s, Stanford University isolated individual children (ages 3 to 5) in a room with a single marshmallow and left the room on the promise they would return with a 2nd marshmallow, which they would hand over if the child had not eaten the first. They then timed how long the child could delay the gratification of getting the second by not eating the first marshmallow.
A subsequent longitudinal study on those same children over 40 years proclaimed that ‘innate’ ability (think eugenics) to delay gratification led to more successful outcomes in life. For example, a 1990 study said that “the ability to…