Apply the Feedback Loop: Shift Student Motivation from Grades to Learning | Jeannette Lee-Parikh | 9 Min Read

December 16, 2022

Last year in an advanced English class, a student came to office hours in deep angst. If she were a whistling kettle, she would have been emitting a loud shrill sound. The student was upset about her grade on the first essay assignment of the semester. I calmly asked her if she read the comments. She hadn’t. She’d only looked at the grade in the online grade book, which translates the point value into a percentage. I asked her to sit and read the comments. In my department, we use a universal grading rubric, and at that time it had seven elements. After she read the comments, I asked her: What do you think? She replied that she understood why the essay wasn’t successful. I followed up: What are you going to do now? She responded that she was going to revise the essay. The kettle was no longer on the burner. This class approaches writing as a process and includes revision, so the student knew beforehand that she would be required to do at least one revision. Sometimes, students complete two or three revisions. Ultimately, she revised her essay twice and earned an A for…

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Jeannette Parikh

Jeannette M E Lee Parikh, Ph.D., is the assistant editor for Intrepid Ed News as well as the chair of the English department and head of community reading at The Cambridge School of Weston (CSW). Before CSW, where she has been since the fall of 2010, she taught at the college level for six years. She is an ISTE Certified Teacher and OER advocate. She is an experienced practitioner of integrating department-wide academic technology that serves pedagogical and curriculum goals. Her teaching philosophy exists at the intersection of the science of learning and cultivating creative thinking, joy, curiosity, playfulness, and self-awareness in all learners. She has presented at conferences on the importance of deep reading, critical listening, authentic discussion, and strategic writing in the 21st-century classroom.