December 26, 2022
It’s one o’clock on a Tuesday and I’m wrapping up three hours of therapy. In the next 90 minutes, I have to do my notes, check my emails, eat my lunch and leave enough time to get my beloved afternoon coffee before starting up again. It’s a tall order. Do I walk away from my computer, sit on my office couch and eat my lunch quietly? No. Either I talk on the phone or look at a magazine while munching my salad or, even worse, I eat while typing. Then, I rush out for ten minutes to the café next door while texting my mother and talking to a friend on the way back to my office. After four more hours of therapy, I finish my day by writing up my notes while checking my texts and phone messages, finally glancing at my emails while making a dinner plan with my husband. As I drive to pick up my pup, Milo, from doggy daycare, I wonder why I feel so tired and worn out. Does this sound familiar?
I’m not describing my day so you can feel sorry for me. Rather, I’m illustrating a common human…