From the “Sometimes You Read Something That Makes You Want to Scream ‘THIS!’ Department” I give you Sean Michael Morris: “This is the right of agency. It does not give
As Abraham Lincoln made abundantly clear: we not only need to think anew but, equally important, we need to act anew. There has been plenty of “thinking” about new directions
By Matthew Kressy & Tom Woelper, New England Innovation Academy When we began envisioning the curriculum for the New England Innovation Academy, one of the elements core to our requirements
In March 2020, the first schools closed. Since then, the debate has focused on whether and how schools should reopen. While the risks to keeping schools closed are great (such
March 31, 2021 Late last year, another shot was fired in the perennial war on the role of the classics in the high school English curriculum. According to Megan Cox
This is my third post in a series looking at assessment and how the questions are increasingly being asked about how, when, and why we assess in schools. I will
Republished from Heather Clayton Staker’s website, Ready to Blend. Heather Clayton Staker|3/9/2021 I’ve restructured this podcast as a class, so that each episode going forward will teach a skill to
It had been two years since my student received a guitar as a holiday gift from his parents. Unwrapped and then left propped in the corner of his closet was
Is Tom Brady the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT)? The recent Super Bowl has reignited the question, and there is more than enough disagreement to go around. For our purposes,
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